What We Believe

God created all things and called them good. Acknowledging the brokenness of the world and the ways the Church has condoned that brokenness through its own silence, we trust in God’s abiding love and extravagant welcome. We welcome everyone as full participants in the life and sacraments of Christ’s church.


We believe that God is a loving God who made the human being in God’s image. Therefore, all people are of value and loved by God.


In Christ, the head of the church, God conquers sin and reconciles the world to Divine Love. We believe in God, and we follow Jesus.

Holy Spirit

God’s continuing presence and activity in the world.


God, Christ, Holy Spirit are one.


A community of people united in Christ through worship, work, and witness--not a building.

The Bible

The inspired Word of God. We take scripture seriously, not literally.

Service to Others

The mission of the Church is to work for justice and to establish God’s Kingdom in the world.

The Sacraments

We celebrate two: Baptism & Communion. In baptism we are joined in faith with Jesus & accepted into the fellowship of the church. We celebrate communion to remember Christ’s death & resurrection.


Faith isn't not asking questions. It's asking questions, doubting, believing, and trusting. It's messy, it's hard, it's worth it.


Here are the answers to some common questions:

  • Who Are We?

    We are a congregation of people from many different backgrounds, faith traditions, and histories. We are farmers and executives, musicians and students, nurses, retirees, lawyers and artists. We strive to be a community as diverse and hospitable as God’s kingdom. We don’t all look or act alike; God knows we don’t all think alike. We don’t all read the Bible the same way. We come from different religious backgrounds, we bring different questions, and we carry different burdens. But every week, we gather and worship God together as one.

  • When Do We Meet?

    For worship, Sundays at 10:00 a.m. followed by fellowship across the street in our Parish House or lemonade on the front lawn. We also meet throughout the week to knit, sing, cook, eat, study the Bible, make crafts, attend to the work of the church, make sandwiches for a soup kitchen –there’s so much going on. Be a part of it.

  • Where Do I Park?

    Spaces that are accessible for people with limited mobility issues are located to the left of the Meetinghouse and outside the Parish House. A ramp makes the Meetinghouse accessible to people with wheelchairs. Others are invited to park across Route 172 (South Britain Road) in the church parking lot. Please use caution when crossing the street!

  • How Should We Dress?

    What makes you comfortable and ready to worship God? You will find some folks in suit and tie on a Sunday; some in jeans; and kids in Sunday dresses or soccer uniforms. Come as you are, or as you would like to be!

  • What About My Kids?

    We love and welcome kids of all ages! Really. And we don’t mind all the giggles and squiggles they make. “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord,” the Psalms say and there is nothing more joyful than the sound of kids learning about Jesus. We’re so glad you’re here.

    Everyone begins in the Meetinghouse for the start of worship. Kids stay in worship on the 1st and 3rd Sunday each month. On the 2nd and 4th Sundays, our Sunday School teachers will take them across the street to the Parish House for a bible story and lesson, or a service project. Our kids and youth learn what it means to follow Jesus, and how that means we help others.

    We believe that church is a place where all generations come together, so we have plenty of opportunities for people of all ages to worship, work and have fun together.

  • What About Restrooms?

    Our meetinghouse was built in 1825 and has no running water (we do have heat in the winter and air conditioning in the Summer). Restrooms are in the Parish House to the left as you enter the hall, and downstairs on the lower level.

  • What To Expect

    Expect a lively worship service with a variety of music–choir, church band, bell choir, soloists, organ, and piano. Greeters at the door or others may introduce themselves to you, but we’ll try to give you space, too. People of all ages will be leading worship, laughing, sharing joys and requests for prayers; you’ll find a real community that welcomes all.

    A printed bulletin will guide you through the various parts of the service; our hymns are generally found in the blue hymnals in the pews. We stand for some parts of the service, if able (indicated in the bulletin), and sit for more of it. Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month. Trays of bread (with a gluten-free option) and non-alcoholic juice are usually served in the pews, and all are welcome to receive communion, including children.